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Psychology of Religion
Dr. Michael Nielsen
Fall 1999

Potential Questions Based on The Psychology of Religion: An Empirical Approach
by Hood, Spilka, Hunsberger & Gorsuch

Note to my students: This document will be updated throughout the Fall 1999 semester. Check at for the latest version of these questions and other class materials.

Note to others: These questions come primarily from the text, but also include some material discussed in class that does not appear in the text.

Chapter 1: The Psychological Nature and Functions of Religion

Chapter 2: Religion in Childhood

Chapter 3: Religious Socialization and Thought in Adolescence and Young Adulthood

Chapter 4: Religion in Adult Life

Chapter 5: Religion and Death

Chapter 6: Religious Experience

Chapter 7: Mysticism

Chapter 8: Conversion

Chapter 9: Social Psychology of Religion Organizations

Chapter 10: Religion and Morality

Chapter 11: Religion, Coping, and Adjustment

Chapter 12: Religion and Mental Disorder

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